Order Easter flowers by Wednesday, March 27th.
Let's bring some bloom to Easter!
Order your Easter flowers at Advent this year! Select between Easter Lilies or an Easter Hyacinth flower and it will be on display during Easter Worship Service and will be recognized in the bulletin. The flowers can be donated "in memory", "in honor", or "in celebration" of many things. Here are some of our favorites:
In honor of a special birthday, anniversary, or milestone
In memory of a deceased loved one, veteran, or special furry friend
In celebration of an upcoming graduation, achievement, or contribution to a cause
In glory of God
Contribute to the Agape Fund
The Agape fund is used at the discretion of the Pastor to meet the immediate emergency needs of local community members. Advent did a great job of getting out and helping the community, so the fund is currently almost empty. Consider donating to the Agape fund to help those in need in our community.
Easter Flower Order Form
Download the Easter Flower Order form and place it in the offering plate with payment or mail it to the church office.
Don't Forget Those Bunny Ears
Want to know what else is going on this easter? Visit www.adventlakeann.org/easter